Bay View Painting is completely dedicated to client satisfaction. All of our team members are punctual and knowledgeable, helping make us some of the most trusted contractors in the industry. We’ve come a long way since our founding in 2012, but the leading operating values behind our services, to work with integrity in order to provide high-quality services to our clients, remain unchanged.
Please get in touch with any inquiries. Be sure to include your contact information as well as any important details about your needs.
Our Vision
To establish Bay View Painting as the premier finish painting company in the mid-coast area while maintaining our uncompromisable principles and standards.
Our Promise:
We promise to provide our clients with the highest quality experience from the first interaction to the final finished product. We will serve our customers with integrity, as well as ourselves and our team.
Mission Statement
To bring beauty, quality, and integrity into your home to realize your vision.
Immutable Laws
These laws are inspired by the vision and mission of Bay View Painting, and they are established to always keep the whole team on the right track.
Law 1
Take Responsibility:
Take responsibility for our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Mistakes and failures happen, especially when we are in the game. Own them. Our situation might not be our fault, but how we respond to any given situation is our responsibility.
Law 3
Communication is key:
We don’t know what we don’t know. If we don’t communicate, we can’t solve our clients, vendors, and teams’ issues. Always communicate.
Law 5
Be organized and punctual:
Be early and prepared, it's much better to be an hour early than a minute late.
Law 2
Act with integrity:
The things we say (and don’t say), the things we do (and don’t do), as well as the congruence between the two, define who we are in this life. Act with deliberation, boldness, and persistence, and do the right thing.
Law 4
Give to give:
Don’t give to receive or to produce/draw work. Don’t help others for a return (Getting is irrelevant).​
Law 6
No jerks allowed:
Being a jerk is not acceptable. We don’t accept jerks as clients, vendors, or employees. We will not be jerks.
Law 7
We will maintain and preserve all equipment, our equipment helps to serve our clients in a faster, and more productive way. We will treat our equipment with respect.
Meet The Team
Lance Boody
Dean Penney
Lead Painter
Mike Munroe
Project Manager
Martin Bargetz
Finish Painter
Bryce Boody
Jamie Wilson
Arlena English
Matthew Moores
April Dickey
Geogrya Mazier
Jesse Page
Finish Painter
Michele Morine
Lead Painter
Raelynn Roy
Bay View Painting's office is located in Rockland, ME and we gladly provide our services to customers anywhere from Brunswick to Belfast!
Unsure if you're located outside of our territory? Contact us anytime via phone or email to clarify!